The Ultimate Guide to App Development with Flutter : Learning Dart : Loops


For loops are very important in all programming languages, and there are a few ways to implement them in dart.

List words = ['hello', 'world', '!'];

// 1st way
// declare an int i, increment it by 1 until it is no longer 
// less than words.length (3 in this case)
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {

// 2nd way
// for each element in word, dart will take that element (in this case, a string, word)
// and will allow you to execute code using that element (here, we just print it out)
// the rocket notation (=>) allows us to write only a single statement to execute
// on the right side. otherwise, we would do (word) { print('hey!'); print(word); }
words.forEach((word) => print(word));

// 3rd way
// very similar to the 2nd way but a different syntax
for (String word in words) {

Pretty cool!

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