Getting Started


Before we get started with dart and flutter, we first need to set up our programming environment, which is what we will be using to code flutter apps.

The two main IDEs that provide the most features for Dart and Flutter are Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Android Studio. Choosing either one is up to you, but I do have a slight preference to VS Code because it looks sick…

Vim can also be used if you have coc or native lsp and install the dart and flutter extensions.

Choosing the right IDE is essential to getting all the features that the Dart programming language provides us with. Once you have your IDE / Text Editor, make sure you install the Dart extension and the Flutter extension. With these extensions, our IDE / Text Editor will perform extremely detailed error checking, type checking, null safety checks, and formatting to make our lives as developers a lot easier.

Once you have your environment set up, let’s move on!


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